CellarVentilator - Check when to ventilate your cellar

This API is for getting fresh air in your cellar or any other room. It checks if weather conditions are met to ventilate the room.




Checks if it will rain in the next your, if no, checks for strong wind (> 30 km/h). Finally the indoor and outdoor humidity is compared. Only if indoor is above outdoor ventialte is set to true.

Return boolean. Parameters are:

  1. lat: Latitude of location in decimal
  2. long: Longitude of location in decimal
  3. indoorHumidity: Indoor humidity in percent
  4. Optional: outdoorHumidity: If not set, the API will get it from openweather
  5. Optional: windSpeed: In m/s. If not set, the API will get it from openweather
  6. Optional: rainsNextHour: Probability to rain in next hour in decimal. If not set, the API will get it from openweather

Exmaple: https://cellarventilator.smartapis.de/ventilateNow/52.463/13.469/20


The Code of the calculation is open source: CellarVentilator on GitHub